
USDA/USDC Authorized Labels and Manufacturers | Food and Nutrition Service

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USDA/USDC Authorized Labels and Manufacturers | Food and Nutrition Service

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CN numbers that appear on the valid list apply to the CN logo and crediting statement only. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that the product label meets all over federal labeling requirements.

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has published a list of manufacturers that have met the Food and Nutrition Service’s quality control program requirements for the CN Labeling Program.

The following inspection directories, along with the Establishment (EST) notations from technical assistance memorandum TA 05-2010, may be used to cross reference the EST number with the manufacturer’s physical address:

These lists are updated and re-posted monthly; the data will not reflect newly authorized manufacturers and labels. Please keep in mind that the information about authorized labels does not include CN labeled products issued before 2005. Additionally, the product name on the food carton with the CN label may not necessarily match the product description from the list.

USDA/USDC Authorized Labels and Manufacturers | Food and Nutrition Service

Hot Sale Sticker If you have questions about this information or about a particular product, please email or call the AMS-CN Labeling Program Operations Office at (202) 720-9939.